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Skyrim Mods

I don’t have much time to devote to modding these days, though I do tinker on personal projects from time to time. When I feel something is worthy of sharing with the Elder Scrolls community, I’ll post them here. I always include my source code in the .bsa file, so if you want to tinker around or release your own version of the mod, feel free–drop me a line, but no permission is required.

Radiance seeks to make your Skyrim experience a little more immersive by adding over 30 new world encounters and events that reflect the world and your impact on it. This mod is currently not under active development, and I welcome anyone who wants to add to it and make it their own.
Official Forum Thread
Download: Nexus | Workshop

Better Cloth Enchanting
Player-made enchantments are 50% stronger on clothes and jewelry.
Official Forum Thread
Download: Nexus | Workshop



Oblivion Mods

I don’t work on these anymore, but Oblivion is a game that lives on in the hearts of many. As always, you can use anything from my mods in your own (Oblivion) work without permission. I just ask that you drop me a line so I can see the fruits of your labor.

Simple Dual Wielding
Allows you to dual wield any two melee weapons in the game, provided you have the strength and skill. A simple, no-frills alternative to the shinier dual wielding mods out there.
Official Forum Thread
Download: Nexus

The Dulled Edge
Adds a non-lethal katana to the game, allowing you to play the game as a warrior who has renounced killing (or a ruffian who doesn’t like getting high bounties, whatever floats your boat).
Download: Nexus

Versus Dark Brotherhood
Sick of being forced down the Dark Brotherhood quest chain, just because of a little murder? This mod lets you reject the Dark Brotherhood’s invitation and invoke their wrath. Those adventures tenacious enough to take down the whole Brotherhood are awarded an artifact with a very unique enchantment. (Warning: This quest is extremely lethal!)
Download: Nexus